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The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries
Cover of The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries
The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries
The Evidence and the People Who Found It
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The theory of evolution unites the past, present, and future of living things. It puts humanity's place in the universe into necessary perspective. Despite a history of controversy, the evidence for evolution continues to accumulate as a result of many separate strands of amazing scientific sleuthing.
In The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries, Donald R. Prothero explores the most fascinating breakthroughs in piecing together the evidence for evolution. In twenty-five vignettes, he recounts the dramatic stories of the people who made crucial discoveries, placing each moment in the context of what it represented for the progress of science. He tackles topics like what it means to see evolution in action and what the many transitional fossils show us about evolution, following figures from Darwin to lesser-known researchers as they unlock the mysteries of the fossil record, the earth, and the universe. The book also features the stories of animal species strange and familiar, including humans—and our ties to some of our closest relatives and more distant cousins. Prothero's wide-ranging tales showcase awe-inspiring and bizarre aspects of nature and the powerful insights they give us into the way that life works.
Brisk and entertaining while firmly grounded in fundamental science, The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries is a captivating read for anyone curious about the evidence for evolution and what it means for humanity.

The theory of evolution unites the past, present, and future of living things. It puts humanity's place in the universe into necessary perspective. Despite a history of controversy, the evidence for evolution continues to accumulate as a result of many separate strands of amazing scientific sleuthing.
In The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries, Donald R. Prothero explores the most fascinating breakthroughs in piecing together the evidence for evolution. In twenty-five vignettes, he recounts the dramatic stories of the people who made crucial discoveries, placing each moment in the context of what it represented for the progress of science. He tackles topics like what it means to see evolution in action and what the many transitional fossils show us about evolution, following figures from Darwin to lesser-known researchers as they unlock the mysteries of the fossil record, the earth, and the universe. The book also features the stories of animal species strange and familiar, including humans—and our ties to some of our closest relatives and more distant cousins. Prothero's wide-ranging tales showcase awe-inspiring and bizarre aspects of nature and the powerful insights they give us into the way that life works.
Brisk and entertaining while firmly grounded in fundamental science, The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries is a captivating read for anyone curious about the evidence for evolution and what it means for humanity.

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About the Author-
  • Donald R. Prothero is a Research Associate in Vertebrate Paleontology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. He has taught college geology and paleontology for 40 years at institutions such as Columbia University, Vassar College, Knox College, and Pierce College, and currently at Cal Poly Pomona. For 27 years, he was Professor of Geology at Occidental College in Los Angeles and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He earned his M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees in geological sciences from Columbia University. He is the author of over 300 scientific papers published in leading journals and over 30 titles in geology, paleontology and evolutionary biology.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 2, 2020
    Paleontologist Prothero (The Story of the Dinosaurs in 25 Discoveries) introduces the evidence and scientists behind 25 major discoveries in this accessible overview of the history of the idea of evolution. Prothero explains the age of the universe, Darwin’s discoveries, macroevolution in the fossil record, genetics, and ends with a discussion of evolution in humans. He places discoveries in their historical context—for instance, Darwin’s speculation that “species were not fixed and stable” was “considered impossible at the time because most people believed God had created each species,” and Henrietta Swan Leavitt’s 1913 study on stars’ brightness gave scientists “a reliable tool to measure how far away a star or galaxy was from Earth” at a time when “most women were barred from scientific careers completely.” A chapter on horses shows how the animals have contributed to human understanding of evolution, while another shows how the eye—as it evolved from those of light-seeking protozoans to complex vertebrate eyes—is a test case for Darwin’s theory. Prothero is skilled at translating specialist material into entertaining stories. Those well-versed in evolutionary matters will find little new, but curious lay readers will find this to be an engaging introduction. Photos and illus.

  • Booklist

    November 1, 2020
    Nearly 150 years after Charles Darwin's death, Prothero adduces a raft of new reasons to join the great biologist in marveling at how "from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." In 25 freestanding chapters--loosely organized in five thematic sections--Prothero examines fresh evidence of evolutionary theory's power to explain the universe, from the Big Bang in the deep cosmic past to the emergence of post-human species in the future. Some readers may question Prothero's interpretation of astrophysics as an extension of Darwin's evolutionary paradigm. But that paradigm does show why wasps lay eggs in living caterpillars, why the anatomy of giraffes manifests a fishlike nervous system, and why human DNA very closely resembles that of chimpanzees. In arguing for evolutionary theory, Prothero repeatedly takes polemical jabs at religion, portrayed as a superstition preventing acceptance of that theory. But when Prothero emphasizes the complete amorality of evolution, readers may understand--at least partly--why some scientists fully invested in evolutionary theory retain a religious faith.


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    Columbia University Press
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The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries
The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries
The Evidence and the People Who Found It
Donald R. Prothero
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